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SINNY's detailed review [TEA]
📌 Today's record : [Green Tea] BASILUR-CREAM FANTASY


Product Name : CREAM FANTASY

Tea Category : Green Tea

Caffeine or not : Contains

Time : 2 minutes

Water temperature : 80 degrees

Main ingredients : 100% Ceylon, strawberry flavor, vanilla flavor

Impression : The tea bag was fine overall, but the taste was much weaker than I expected.


Read Korean review

The scent is tangy, but the flavor is mild.

At last, I’ve found a Basilur tea bag that I would call a miss. 😂
I always thought Basilur teas never disappointed! But it seems I still have a ways to go when it comes to appreciating their green tea line.

The tea I chose today is Basilur's Cream Fantasy.

It’s a green tea made from the highest-quality leaves grown in the highlands of Sri Lanka. The description promised a soft, sweet flavor, and the pastel-colored packaging made me excited to try it.

I have fond memories of Basilur's Love Story blended green tea line, which felt refreshing and full of surprises. Naturally, I was curious—what twist would this green tea have in store for me?


When you think of Ceylon, black tea usually comes to mind. However, the high-quality tea leaves from Sri Lanka mean that Ceylon green tea can also deliver a smooth and clean taste.

I was eager to see how the grassy notes and aroma of green tea would blend in this one.

With anticipation, I boiled the water to 80°C and steeped the tea bag.

One of Ceylon's characteristics is the finely cut tea leaves, allowing for a rich flavor even with a short steep time.

Soon, the water turned a clear yellow, deepening gradually into a rich hue. It wasn’t cloudy; instead, it became a heavy golden color, not the bright yellow I was expecting.

In my experience, green tea tends to be more sensitive to steeping conditions than black tea. The key is to avoid water that’s too hot. When I first started drinking tea, I would often steep green tea in boiling water, thinking, “How much difference could 15-20 degrees really make?”


But it does make a difference—a big one. The bitterness, grassy notes, and nutty flavors change drastically depending on the temperature. Just a 10-20 degree difference can completely alter the quality of the tea, so it’s best to follow the steeping guidelines for time and temperature.

For Cream Fantasy, the recommendation is to steep in 80°C water for 2-3 minutes, but I usually keep it around 2 minutes for green teas.

After steeping, I removed the tea bag and took a sip. 


The taste was completely different from what I expected.

It reminded me of having a Chupa Chups Creamy Strawberry lollipop in your mouth and then taking a sip of water. That was the vibe.

The flavor felt flat and slightly rough. Expecting a smooth, clean green tea, I was quite taken aback by Cream Fantasy. It left an impression more like the roughness of paper.

It wasn’t bitter, but there was a peculiar harshness to the flavor. The sour note hinted at by the aroma didn’t come through in the taste. I found myself thinking, "Well, that was a miss," and set the cup aside.

This tea was neither distinct nor particularly enjoyable. The artificial flavoring felt unnecessary, and I wondered if it might have been better to experience it as a plain, unflavored green tea.

The green tea flavor did make an appearance towards the end of each sip, but it was quickly overshadowed by a creamy vanilla scent.


Goodbye 😂
I don’t think we’ll be meeting again anytime soon.

Maybe when my tastes change, I’ll give it another try. 
When I do, I’ll update this review with new tasting notes.


This blog shares various review and personal experiences with you through translation. Although I am not a perfect translator, I hope to empathize and communicate by sharing my thoughts and experiences. Thank you.


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